Monday, July 27, 2020

Upstairs, Downstairs

July 27, 2020

Yesterday Lili learned to go up and down the stairs. Well, she learned to go up the day before, but yesterday she learned to go down. I think there were two accidents yesterday. One I didn't even see it was so quick. The other Leslie saw and did not stop. I was annoyed until I realized she was on Zoom with Chandler and Cheryl setting up for her mom's 94th family birthday Zoom. I couldn't fault her for that.

We set up the tether in the back yard. She didn't love it, but did okay with it. She seems to like to eat tiny acorns and leaves and sticks. We're trying not to let her eat them, but she is quick. She also likes to eat the roses and the pomegranate leaves. NOT okay. Trying to help her learn, but since she can't figure out not to bit clothing and toes, we may have a ways to go on that.

Last night she went to bed at 10, woke up at... I think it was about 1:30 (could have been 12:30 I'm not always remembering) and then at maybe four? Then she woke up at 5:30 ready to go for the day. I took her outside. We said hello to Leslie who was friendly, "I'm just going to the bathroom, I'm NOT getting up at 5:41!!!"

She has eaten, peed twice, pooped once, and is being a bit ornery this morning. She found a place in the linoleum in the office she likes to chew on. While I do not care for the linoleum in the office and would love to replace it, after moving the washer from the kitchen to the laundry room, contracting to get the fence on the yard complete, changing out the electric in the house, removing the playset, fixing the garage door, and some other stuff (like getting a puppy), we need to hold off on additional expenses right now. Oh yes, and of course a new AC system.

The moral of the story? I love this puppy.


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