July 31, 2020
One week ago we brought the puppy home. Since then:
- Knows how to "sit." (knew that almost immediately).
- Improved from maximum of four accidents a day in the house, to two days of zero accidents, other days only one or two.
- LOVES her food. Will bark enthusiasm and encouragement when it's time to eat.
- Found a dead snake in our yard.
- Bites and nips when she wants you to know something. Of course the "something" could be any of the following:
1. I'm thirsty.
2. I'm hungry.
3. I'm tired.
4. I need to pee.
5. I need to poop.
6. I need to pee and poop.
7. I like to rip up the leg of your shorts.
8. I like to chase you and you run away when I nip at your Achille's tendon.
9. There is something I want you to know, but I'm not going to tell you what it is.
10. I love biting things.
- Last night she slept from 8 p.m. until 3 a.m. then after peeing she slept again until 7:30 a.m.
- She prefers to nap under my desk or my desk chair. I have to be careful I don't roll over her leg or tail or ears. So far, so good.
- The evening frenzies are real. And scary. And the two times I have felt like not a good pet owner are the times when I wasn't patient with her during those frenzies.
- We have a lot to learn as pet owners.
- She is starting to learn to walk on a leash from Leslie. She did great yesterday (Leslie AND Lily).
- She does really, really well with her kennel.
- The dewormer worked. Kind of gross but also kind of cool.
- I think we got rid of the fleas, but she is still a little itchy. She doesn't love baths, but she got one today.
I'm sure there are a lot of other things, too, but that's good for now.
No entry yesterday because yesterday was a recovery day for us. We rested. She took her normal six or seven naps. I joined her for a nap from 230-430. We both needed it.
She is a very good dog.
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