Friday, July 31, 2020


July 31, 2020


So, these people are very difficult to train. I try to communicate, but they don't always listen. Like last night, I wasn't ready to go to bed yet. I wanted to stay up and play. I tried barking and whining, but they didn't get it. So I tried my non-verbals. Tell me that this expression doesn't CLEARLY CONVEY that I would rather not be in my kennel:

Stupid humans.

Love, Lily.

One Week.

July 31, 2020

One week ago we brought the puppy home. Since then:

  • Knows how to "sit." (knew that almost immediately).
  • Improved from maximum of four accidents a day in the house, to two days of zero accidents, other days only one or two.
  • LOVES her food. Will bark enthusiasm and encouragement when it's time to eat.
  • Found a dead snake in our yard.
  • Bites and nips when she wants you to know something. Of course the "something" could be any of the following:
1. I'm thirsty.
2. I'm hungry.
3. I'm tired.
4. I need to pee.
5. I need to poop.
6. I need to pee and poop.
7. I like to rip up the leg of your shorts.
8. I like to chase you and you run away when I nip at your Achille's tendon.
9. There is something I want you to know, but I'm not going to tell you what it is.
10. I love biting things.

  • Last night she slept from 8 p.m. until 3 a.m. then after peeing she slept again until 7:30 a.m.
  • She prefers to nap under my desk or my desk chair. I have to be careful I don't roll over her leg or tail or ears. So far, so good.
  • The evening frenzies are real. And scary. And the two times I have felt like not a good pet owner are the times when I wasn't patient with her during those frenzies.
  • We have a lot to learn as pet owners.
  • She is starting to learn to walk on a leash from Leslie. She did great yesterday (Leslie AND Lily).
  • She does really, really well with her kennel.
  • The dewormer worked. Kind of gross but also kind of cool.
  • I think we got rid of the fleas, but she is still a little itchy. She doesn't love baths, but she got one today.
I'm sure there are a lot of other things, too, but that's good for now.

No entry yesterday because yesterday was a recovery day for us. We rested. She took her normal six or seven naps. I joined her for a nap from 230-430. We both needed it.

She is a very good dog.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Good Days

July 29, 2020

Yesterday was much, much better than the day before. No accidents. Less biting. I remembered that biting is a form of communication - "I'm hungry." or "I'm thirsty." or "I have to go to the bathroom."  I had forgotten that. 

Of course this morning she peed on one of her little bed things within 10 minutes of getting up, but She had just had some water, so that's on me. 

I'm learning. 

Just very, very slowly.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

No One Understands Me Here

July 28, 2020

So yesterday was rough. It started out all right, but then we went to the vet - which was fine. I was excellent. After that, though... I don't know what's wrong with these people. They play tug of war with my rope toy with me, but they do not like to play tug of war with their shorts? Seems easier to me than carrying around a rope. They give me toys to chew on, but don't want me to chew on shoes. Know what rhymes with "chews"? Shoes!

They don't understand my end of the day celebrations, either. I like to run and run and run and run and run and run and run and play and run. Mostly run. It's a celebration of life. It's a celebration of the fact that we explored and learned and enjoyed the thrills of another day. I'm not just doing it for me. I'm doing it for all of us. 

I have so much to teach them.


Puppy Patience

July 28, 2020

I failed part of puppy raising yesterday. We got up too early and by the time the evening frenzies hit we were all exhausted. I wasn't as creative or patient as I should be. 

Leslie said, "It's okay. We will just try again tomorrow."

It was the most Zen thing anyone has said to me in months. 

So far today Lily pooped, stepped in it, then stepped on my shoe.
But it was an old shoe.

Lily chewed up part of the linoleum in the office.
But I hate the linoleum in the office, so this is even more reason to replace it.

Lily and I went out so I could get the desk chair mat to cover the place where she chewed up the linoleum. I was hoping she would pee while we were out there. She didn't at first, so I threw one of her new toys to keep her busy until she would pee. She grabbed the toy, dropped it, and immediately peed on it.
But it's supposed to be an outdoor toy, so that's not a big deal.

I can't guarantee myself I'll hold on to this patience all day, but so far so good.
Thanks Zen Master, Leslie.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Upstairs, Downstairs

July 27, 2020

Yesterday Lili learned to go up and down the stairs. Well, she learned to go up the day before, but yesterday she learned to go down. I think there were two accidents yesterday. One I didn't even see it was so quick. The other Leslie saw and did not stop. I was annoyed until I realized she was on Zoom with Chandler and Cheryl setting up for her mom's 94th family birthday Zoom. I couldn't fault her for that.

We set up the tether in the back yard. She didn't love it, but did okay with it. She seems to like to eat tiny acorns and leaves and sticks. We're trying not to let her eat them, but she is quick. She also likes to eat the roses and the pomegranate leaves. NOT okay. Trying to help her learn, but since she can't figure out not to bit clothing and toes, we may have a ways to go on that.

Last night she went to bed at 10, woke up at... I think it was about 1:30 (could have been 12:30 I'm not always remembering) and then at maybe four? Then she woke up at 5:30 ready to go for the day. I took her outside. We said hello to Leslie who was friendly, "I'm just going to the bathroom, I'm NOT getting up at 5:41!!!"

She has eaten, peed twice, pooped once, and is being a bit ornery this morning. She found a place in the linoleum in the office she likes to chew on. While I do not care for the linoleum in the office and would love to replace it, after moving the washer from the kitchen to the laundry room, contracting to get the fence on the yard complete, changing out the electric in the house, removing the playset, fixing the garage door, and some other stuff (like getting a puppy), we need to hold off on additional expenses right now. Oh yes, and of course a new AC system.

The moral of the story? I love this puppy.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Puppies Are Discoverers

July 26, 2020

I am discovering everything in the whole world. So far I discovered that chewing is fun - especially chewing the bottom of Michelle's office chair. I discovered Leslie doesn't like me to chew on her toes or flip flops. But I try to anyway. It's hilarious. I discovered I love this little duck toy I have and that the duck toy squeaks. I discovered that FOOD IS AWESOME (see my previous post). So good. If you haven't had it, you should try it. I discovered I do not like the sound of the shower. 

But there is one discovery that may go down in history as one of my all-time great discoveries. I discovered a dead snake. Michelle and Leslie have a pomegranate tree in the yard. They put some netting over it to keep the birds away from the blooms. 

Yesterday I went over and explored. I found a giant black snake had gotten into the netting, gotten trapped and is now dangling from the little pomegranate tree. Michelle came over to stop me from chewing on the tree and then she acted like she discovered the snake. Don't let her tell you that. It was me. 

I kept trying to go over and get the snake out of the netting. It grossed them out - especially Leslie. She kept playing this game where she'd try to stop me, but I'd go over there anyway. Ultimately, she won the game because I had to go inside, but I still think I'm a winner because I discovered the snake.

And I discovered how much Leslie and Michelle don't like having a dead snake dangling from their tree.

Learning is fun.


Puppying is Hard Work

July 26, 2020

The first night we had Lily, she went to be at about 10. She got up at 2, 4, and then was ready to be up for the day around 630. Each time I took her out and she did her business and we came back in. She cried after the 2 a.m. bathroom trip because she was under the assumption that peeing would be followed by playing. She was mistaken. After about three minutes of whining, she went to sleep again. No whining about playing at 4.

Last night she went to be around 10. She got up at 1230 and 4. Each time she went back to sleep after making sure I was still in the room with her. No whining.

My sleep routine is usually go to bed, maybe get up once to go to the bathroom (inside, hardly ever do I go outside to go to the bathroom). And the rest of the time I sleep. Puppying is an adjustment for me. It's the first time in many years I have had a puppy. In fact it has been nearly 20 years since I had a puppy.

That said, puppying is hard for Lily, too. It's the first time she's done this - ever. The adjustment from being on a farm with a lot of other puppies and living outside in a dog shelter run thing to living inside with new noises and sounds has to be exhausting. She naps a lot - which is good for both of us. She is napping right now.

She had been napping in the hallway on a rug. Each day we wash the rugs because she has a bit of a flea problem. Today I put a rug down and she immediately peed on it. I didn't even see her do it, but the wet circle looked suspiciously like a pee circle. After a brief investigation, I determined it WAS a pee circle. I asked Lily why she did that since we had just been outside, but she pled the fifth and did not respond.

So I put it by the washing machine to was after the load that is washing is washed.

Now she's sleeping under my chair with her head on my foot.

Puppying is exhausting. But totally worth it.

~ Michelle

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Adventurelog, Entry 1

July 24, 2020:

What. The. Heck? So, I was born on May 30th. I am not even two months years old yet. Up until yesterday, I hung out with my 12 siblings. Ate, slept, wandered around, slept, and also slept a lot. I was out in the country near Starr, SC. That's what I thought my life would be. Playing and sleeping.


Yesterday these two strangers came and got me. One of them said, "That one" immediately and pointed at me. The other one said, "You're the dog expert."

Then I got a shot. The guy who had been feeding me gave them a paper and I went for a ride. Now I am being held captive in this house in town. I don't mind it. So far. I was nervous at first. And there are still things that concern me - sounds, smells, etc.

They played with me and then I took my morning nap. Then I peed on their floor. I guess that isn't their preference because they keep taking me out by a tree to do that now. I did pee on their floor again last night, but that's on them. They didn't take me to the tree. At least it was the same floor as where I peed earlier.

I had to sit in the car in the afternoon for a while, so that's where I took my next nap. They were picking up food and a crate and some toys for me, so I figured sleeping nicely was the least I could do.

They gave me a bath in the kitchen sink. That sucked. Pardon my language. I did not like it at all. Then I took my next nap.

Then I got to eat and I LOVE FOOD. Have you ever had it? Food is SO GOOD.

Then I took a nap behind a chair while they ate. Then I meet "The Amazons" on Zoom.

I played with a ball and a blue thing called a... I don't remember but it's a thing I like. And I played with a little Kong which I liked.

Somewhere in there I pooped (outside) napped some more, chewed on a towel, barked in my sleep, and did some other things.

While I was having my pre-bedtime nap, the two weirdos put together my crate. They woke me up a few times saying bad words. I think they had to break part of my crate to get it to work, but it works. I don't hate it, but I was more than a little annoyed that after I took my next nap and woke up at 2 a.m., all that happened was that I was taken outside to pee (which I did) and then put back in the crate and expected to go to sleep.

Don't they know that after sleep and pee/poop comes playtime? Apparently not. They also got it wrong at 4 a.m.

Wake up
Pee / poop

It's not complicated. They just keep forgetting the Play part.

All in all a strange day, but not a bad day.
