Monday, August 31, 2020
August 31, 2020
It has been more than three weeks since I posted in this blog. That is because puppies are exhausting and the fall semester (online) has started. I'm very, very tired. Lily, on the other hand, goes back and forth from being very, very tired to very, very energetic with little in between.
Today is the second full week of classes at Clemson and I wanted to write a bit before I start work. I figured if I don't do it now, it could be another three weeks before I post.
Things Lily can do:
Shake hands when you say "Hello"
Stay (sort of)
Climb into Adirondack chairs (including Leslie's on the sun porch which I'm pretty sure Lily now thinks is hers)
Eat mushrooms (we are trying to be very vigilant about this so it doesn't happen. Not good for pups)
Give a high five when you say, "Go Army!"
Go to her room
Drop it (most of the time)
Swim (her favorite thing)
I think that's most everything right now.
She is very smart, so we have to keep her busy.
She is also biting a lot because she is teething, so we have to keep her teeth busy.
She gets up every morning at pretty much exactly 6 a.m.
We're trying to figure out bedtime, but she tends to sleep through the night except for one potty break. Sometimes if she has food leftover from dinner she'll also have a snack and a drink of water.
She really, really wants to get on the bed. I've put her there a couple of times, but not for long because she either bites me after initial cuddles or starts chewing on the comforter.
I love her very, very much.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
August 8, 2020
Just an update to document Lily's progress in week two.
1. She sleeps through the night. She goes to sleep in her kennel around 7:30 p.m., and then I take her out when I go to bed around 1030. After that she sleeps until at least 6 a.m., but this morning slept in until 7:15 a.m.
2. She has gone from completely wolfing down every bitlet of her food to now leaving a little bit or wandering off half way through a meal. I think she used to have to fight the other 12 puppies in her litter and she is finally confident that Leslie isn't going to come and try to swap some of the food from the bowl.
3. "Lily" and "Leslie" are kind of close to the same thing. This will likely get me in trouble at different times.
4. We are finally learning what her bites mean. If we stick to the routine, we can avoid them until bedtime. At bedtime the bites happen as Lily's way of telling us to put her to bed (NOT as her way of telling us to put her to sleep!). Except Lily doesn't like going to bed. Biting is her crankiness, but then se gets sad when she has to go to bed.
5. She loves toys. Usually we play with the doughnut in the morning and then the little duck, the wubba, and some other toy mid-day. We play with a treat / chew toy from Sarah Winslow and her family in the evening. Outside she has an old football that was left at the house by the previous owners, a tennis ball, a plush ball from Betty, and a rope toy. And sticks. And rocks. And bugs. And dead snakes.
She knows a lot of commands - sit, stay, down, get a drink, do your business. She doesn't follow them 100% of the time, but for a puppy who isn't three months old yet, she does pretty great.
Most of her daily naps are under my chair / my desk. We did kennel naps yesterday and that went great, though she was more resistant to her kennel at bedtime for the night than usual.
She is a great puppy.
I hate vacuums. I hate them. They are loud. They look like monsters - part snake, part robot, and part smaller snake. They are not necessary.
Also, on a related note, today was the first day I ever saw a vacuum.
Love, Lily
Friday, August 7, 2020
August 7, 2020
So Lily was pretty good today. Leslie went kayaking with Melody. I did not feel well at all, but Lily was fairly cooperative. She took two long naps in her crate with relatively no incident. She also had a huge breakthrough as she went to the door for the first time to go outside to go to the bathroom. That was a wonderful surprise. And when she was in her crate tonight whining because she wasn't ready to go to bed, I told her to sit (she did) and then lie down (which she did). Pretty amazing.
She did NOT like it when I told her to stop chewing on her crate and called her "Shawshank." She barked at me for that. Either for saying it or for laughing loudly after I said it. Not sure which. Maybe forever a mystery.
She's a good puppy.